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martes, 9 de febrero de 2016

Letter Feb-2-2016 || www.jw.org || CA-20160205-E-CACAVP.pdf

Letter Feb-2-2016: "Cancellation of approval for bodies of elders sell properties" (Central America Branch)

|| www.jw.org || CA-20160205-E-CACAVP.pdf

Central America Branch letter that "prohibits" the elders to sell any property belonging to "Jehovah's organization".

Here we see the mention of "Worldwide Department of Real Estate" and now it is cancelled any "prior approval" that any one have received for sale of any property that has not yet been sold. Now you have to request permision to this department mentioned. 

First how is shown the "Letter" in an "elder's account" in jw.org:

Now the "Letter" on the subject (in "PDF" Format):

Español -
Inglés -

And directly in image format JPG

Best Regards!

By: Yeis & the Wheeled Warriores
You can email me at: jaycetww(a)gmail(dot)com
Or add me to your G+ or my Facebook (but identify yourself before you add me)


* Mirror of this THREAD at: http://www.extj.com/showthread.php?27253-Cancelaci%C3%B3n-de-aprobaciones-para-que-cuerpos-de-ancianos-vendan-propiedades

1 comentario:

  1. Updated on Sat Feb-12-2016.
    I posted the "Letter" in english from the "Central America Branch" of the Watchtower ( www.jw.org )


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